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Jun 12, 2024

What Agents Do

What Does a Real Estate Agent Do to Sell Your Home?

There’s a proud DIY tradition in the United States. Why pay someone a commission to do something you could technically do yourself with some study and extra legwork?

However, there are some downsides and complications inherent in the for sale by owner (FSBO) approach – most of them having to do with the work involved and the quality of outcomes. Studies consistently show FSBO homes selling for less than homes sold by licensed and properly trained real estate agents.

The difference in increased value derived from working with a skilled real estate agent more than makes up for their commission. If it didn’t, there would be a lot more FSBO homes on the market.

A higher sale price isn’t the only reason to work with a skilled real estate agent. A qualified seller’s agent should handle many of the technical home selling tasks on your behalf, making the process of selling your home much faster and less stressful.

Market Research

A local agent will conduct market research and analysis prior to recommending listing prices. An experienced real estate broker will have sold many homes like yours in the area – maybe even some in your neighborhood. They should understand current time on market statistics, median home sale prices and the unique challenges you may face based on the time of year, weather or location.

Realtors often have access to better real-time data and possess an understanding of current local market trends derived from years or decades of experience.

While you aren’t required to take their advice on listing price, you can typically trust that they will recommend an asking price that balances maximizing value with selling in a timely manner.

Listing and Marketing

FSBO home sellers can take their own pictures, but gaining access to the MLS to list their house and post the pictures can be a bit more difficult. Getting listed on the MLS without a realtor typically requires paying a flat fee service, which can be pricey and cumbersome. If you want to update the listing in the future, you’ll usually need to pay another fee.

Licensed real estate agents are already subscribed to the MLS and won’t charge you extra for listing or changes. They also have extensive experience maximizing the visibility and appeal of your property, including when it comes to taking pictures and videos that portray your home in the best possible light.

Staging and Showing

Following professional advice for home staging can be hugely beneficial. Seller’s agents who have been in the business for years understand what staging or decorating strategies are most likely to have a positive impact on the value of offers you receive and the speed of sale. They also understand the ins and outs of home tours and open houses and can facilitate them without you having to put in much effort, if any.

Agents filter serious, qualified buyers from unqualified home tourists to ensure you’re not letting the wrong people into your home. FSBO sellers must do all this themselves and may not be able to tell the difference between unserious “shoppers” who tour houses for the fun of it and people who are interested in putting in an offer.

Paperwork, Compliance and Closing

The process of negotiating home sales may be more complicated than you realize. It’s not like negotiating a car sale – prospective buyers may have demands they want you to meet or threaten to walk away if you won’t come down on price.

For example, a prospective homebuyer may suggest you should pay for a roof or HVAC replacement, or that you should reduce the price by the value of those projects since they will need to do them themselves. Sellers will have less negotiating leverage if they don’t have competing offers, which often leads FSBO sellers to make concessions they might not feel forced to make were they represented by an agent.

Realtors with a proven process, like those at 72SOLD, know how to market your home to generate interest and multiple offers. When home sellers receive competing bids for their home, it’s the buyers who are willing to make concessions rather than the sellers.

Agents also handle the entirety of the closing process and paperwork, drastically reducing legal liability, risk and stress for the home seller. They will coordinate with the buyer’s agent, escrow companies, title companies and any other parties that may be involved in closing.

FSBO sellers must manage all these aspects of the process themselves – and mistakes can potentially be costly and expose them to liability.

Get Expert Help from Experienced Local Professionals

72SOLD works with seller agents around the country to provide an exceptionally easy and reliable home sale process that’s fast and easy. We consistently get our clients higher offers compared to other real estate professionals and sell homes quickly.

To learn more about 72SOLD and get a price for your home today

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